Ed Sussman - About


I'm Ed Sussman, a New York entrepreneur. I co-founded the CMS Buzzr (Buzzr bio) and I'm on the Board of GoJotter and am an adviser to  Civic Dynamics.

Buzzr is built on Drupal, a subject I know a fair amount about. We sometimes do websites in Buzzr (built on Drupal) for clients.  Drupal.org

Ed Sussman Crunchbase Profile

I used to run the sites for Fast Company and Inc. I was a senior executive vice president at the company for these brands.

Previously, I was executive editor of Inc. magazine and a long time journalist.

Ed Sussman Full Profile

University of Pennsylvania, B.A.
Duke Law, J.D.

Space, astronomy, digital media, technology, history, law, international politics, movies


I can be reached at ed@buzzr.com

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